
When the guests appreciate your job, it’s an amazing feeling and it gives me a lot of positive energy and motivation to be even better in this. It always makes me happy when they come to me and they say that they really liked my lessons, they enjoyed it, they had fun or they just tried or learnt something new. There are two photos of things from guests that made my day:
Presents from my guests

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The feedback from guests is very important for me/us. We can find out if they liked our dancing shows with some sketches or if we should improve something. But they usually enjoy it very much and we are glad to hear that. We always try to make the guests happy even if it’s hard to satisfy all of them, actually it’s not even possible. Everybody likes different things but we are doing our best.
Between guests we also meet new friends and then we spend even more time with them in the hotel just talking, drinking, having fun together. Unfortunately every time comes the sad moment to say goodbye but at the same time comes also the opportunity to visit our new friends and travel even more.
In Corfu I also found out how the world is small. Yesterday for my stretching lesson I had one lady that I met last year in the hotel. I was pretty sure I know her and the first thought was that we met last year and that she was coming for my lessons there in Grecotel Olympia Riviera Thalasso. I was right, it was her! Unbelievable!
Sometimes I also find out that I have a friend in common with the guests and that exactly happened few days ago. I found out that one of the guests know my colleague from two years ago because both of them have been studying dancing. I couldn’t believe that it can really happen but the world is so small! Let see what will come next, maybe it will be in the next article 🙂

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