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Funny stories from the last animation season

Let’s start the 2018 with funny stories that happened during my last animation season!

Toilet story

Normal working day

It seemed to be a normal working day. My colleague Krisztina and I met for the breakfast in the morning and then we started to work. We did our usual morning activities – Krisztina with the kids in miniclub and me with adults all around. Like every day at 1 o’clock we were done with our club dances and we could go for a break.

Lunch break

We usually spent the lunch break together. After taking a shower (separately), we went down to the kitchen to get some food. Then we had to come back to eat it upstairs in the staff canteen. When we finished the lunch, we usually stayed in the hotel. The break wasn’t so long so it was a bit pointless to go back to our rooms. We were sitting on the stairs in the staff area, it was the only place where we were able to get the wi-fi. We were joking with Krisztina: “no wifi = no life”.

Stuck door latch

Anyway, the lunch break passed fast and before leaving for the afternoon programme, we went to the toilets as usual. Then I was waiting for Krisztina in order to go together. She was actually lucky I was waiting for her. The door latch stucked and she couldn’t get out. We were supposed to start the programme at 15:00, we usually went there at 14:45 to prepare everything and get people. This time it was different. I had 15 minutes to get her out.

Using knife and card

First I tried to open it with the knife but it wasn’t possible. Then I went to the reception and I explained the situation. The receptionist Martina went with me to check the situation, then she took a card and said: “Let’s see if it works like in the movies.” and she tried to open the door putting the card in between the door and the doorframe. The magic didn’t happen. We were laughing a lot, I remember I said: “Well, I’ll go to the miniclub and say to the guests that the miniclub programme is cancelled today because the kids’ animator got stuck in the toilet.” and we were laughing even more.

No technicians

You may be thinking why we didn’t call the hotel technician and everything would be solved. But you know, all these things always happen when one technician is having a day off and the other one is having a break. While we were thinking what to do, another receptionist came to check the situation. She decided to call another hotel to ask if they can send their technician because the animator is stuck in the toilet and there is no technician in our hotel at the moment. I didn’t have much time left to start the afternoon programme so I decided to go to the kitchen. The cooks were men and men know how to solve this kind of situation.

Chef = technician

Thank God, the chef was there and even though he was busy, he went with me. First he tried to fight the door latch with knife – exactly like I did but with much more power. It didn’t work either. Without saying anything he went down to the kitchen and in a minute he came back with the tool box. He took the screwdriver and with that he removed two screws that were fixing the door latch and opened the door. Krisztina was free!

Normal day continues

We could finally start fast preparation for the afternoon activities, the chef could continue cooking the dinner and the receptionist could call the other hotel that the situation was solved. When Krisztina was telling us her impressions from inside, we were laughing about it again. She didn’t really know what’s happening outside, she just saw the door moving and heard laughs and more and more voices. She couldn’t do anything, she just had to wait and hope that she will get out soon. It was a story that we won’t forget.

Music and pool story

No music = no animation

Krisztina and I had many funny moments. The beginning of the next one was kind of stressful. It was a Friday night and right after the minidisco our music equipment died. We weren’t surprised because the mixer was like 100 years old. The problem was that the animators cannot do much without the music equipment – no music means no activities where music is required, no minidisco, no evening programme. Fortunately every Friday we had live music so we could try to solve the situation.

Technician support

The first thing we did was to call the technician – that night there was still a technician in the hotel. Unfortunately when he opened the mixer, he had no idea what to do with that. We had to wait till the morning when the chief technician would be in the hotel. We were thinking what to do. The following day we had an aqua fun day and we needed to do the aqua dance. At the end, our problem was solved unexpectedly.

Aqua fun day

During the aqua fun day, Krisztina and I did different activities in the pool together. That time we got to know many nice families and they were happy to join us. We always started the first game in the big pool. The teams had to search for the specific number on ping-pong balls that were thrown into the pool. After finishing this game, we prepared the things for the next one.

Towel passing

We made two teams, each team had a bucket and a towel. The goal was to fill the bucket with water by passing the wet towel from one person to another. They got quite competitive and it was fun. When one team won, they started to throw the wet towel on each other as well as water from the buckets.

Pool action

Krisztina and I were running away because we didn’t want to get wet. Krisztina was leaving first, I was still watching the guests. When I turned back I saw Krisztina in the pool hanging on the pool ladder and keeping her shoes out of the water. While I was laughing hard, she was trying to throw her shoes and watch from the pool not to get it wet. I stopped paying attention to the guests and exactly in that moment they decided to throw me to the pool as well. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to save my shoes or anything else. Krisztina grabbed one of my shoes and I the second one throwing it out while swimming. I was just glad that in the morning we left our bags with phones at the lifeguard.

Real aqua fun for the guests

Everybody was laughing at us as we were swimming in the pool in uniforms. When we got out from the pool, they threw us inside few more times when we were trying to get revenge. The problem of not having the music for aqua dance was solved. Nobody even thought about it. All the guests got distracted while watching us swimming in the pool. It was a real aqua FUN for the guests.

Getting dry

When we finally got out from the pool, we tried to wring the T-shirts and skorts. We left our shoes at the lifeguard; one guest brought us a magazine to put the creased pages inside of the shoes to dry it faster. We were completely wet and we didn’t have any other clothes to put on. Fortunately it was a hot day and the clothes were getting dry fast. We stayed on the sun for a while and then we went for a break. Each of us took a towel and while sitting there and eating lunch, we were laughing about what had happened. At that moment we didn’t really care about not working music equipment.

Like I said before, we had so much fun with Krisztina. I shared with you just two stories but during the season there were many more. Just to mention shortly. I remember after getting new music equipment, our microphone wasn’t working. Spending few days without microphone was okay, we managed minidisco and everything. Unfortunately we didn’t realize in time that it will be needed during the music quiz. It was too late to change it so I decided to do the quiz with my own voice.

Music quiz

My voice is quite strong but it doesn’t mean it’s easy to shout for an hour. I didn’t want to ruin the quiz though so I tried to make it more fun. These kind of thoughts come spontaneously. I took my big bottle of water and I was using it as a microphone. I was walking between the guests – that time we had quite many teams – and I was shouting the numbers and later the answers. When I got tired, I started to ask the guests to tell me the correct answer. I always put the bottle of water in front of their mouth. When they replied, I said something like: “Can you repeat it loudly, please? The microphone doesn’t work so well today.” When we finished the quiz, I was exhausted and Krisztina told me: “I think we should do every quiz like this, it was much more fun.” I’m sure it was but I would probably loose my voice soon!

The season in Menorca was amazing and of course, I could keep writing about it. How the season with Krisztina was, it will never be the same even if I decide to go back. Each season brings many amusing situations and I realized that I didn’t share many with you. I hope you liked it and I’ll try to tell you more stories like these next time!


My name is Lucie. I come from Czech republic. I was studying Mediterranean studies and Comparative literature. Since 2013 I have been working as a hotel entertainer during the summer seasons. I have worked in Greece and Spain. I love that job and I want to share with you my excitement for it, my personal experience and also my travels.

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