Half day trips: Cavalleria and Cala Morell

At the end of the July I had a visit by my friend Denčí and on my day off we went for a trip to Cavalleria. The day after I went to Cala Morell that I actually visited last year as well. Today I would like to share with you more about these places.

Trip to the Cap de Cavalleria

So like I said, on my day off we went to Cavalleria. Our trip started at 3 in the afternoon because we didn’t have the car available earlier. From Cala’n Bosch we were heading to the direction to Es Mercadal and then Cavalleria. Everything is well marked so you can hardly get lost. When you get out from Es Mercadal, the road is getting more narrow so I recommend to drive slowly because you never know when a car from the opposite direction will appear.

Cavalleria beach

Anyway, the first part of the Cap de Cavalleria where you can stop is the Cavalleria beach. It’s one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. It’s a virgin beach around 500 meters long. There is a big free parking. During the high season the beach gets very busy but you can always park relatively close. If you get bored on the beach and you like hiking, you can follow the Camí de Cavalls and walk to the next beach Cala Mica. You’ll get there within 10 minutes. My friend and I didn’t stop on the beach, we just went straight to the lighthouse.

Cavalleria lighthouse

The lighthouse is situated at the top of the headland of Cavalleria and it’s the most northernly point of Menorca. It’s a good place to watch the summer sunsets. The white tower of the lighthouse is 15 meters high and it was built on the island’s tallest and most impressive cliffs. It stands 94 meters above the sea level. Just few meters from the lighthouse there is a free parking where you can leave your car. Then you can just walk around and enjoy the spectacular views. Near the lighthouse there is a small cave where you can enter.


Before the Cavalleria lighthouse began to operate in 1857, over 700 shipwrecks had occurred on this part of the north coast of Menorca since the 14th century. Even after the opening of this lighthouse, this coast was still dangerous and that’s why two more lighthouses were built at the beginning of the 20th century – Favaritx and Punta Nati.

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I really recommend to visit Cavalleria. It’s not just about getting to the lighthouse but about walking around, enjoying the stunning views. There are many view points around from where you can see a small island called Isla de Sanitja or Isla de los Porros as well as many different beaches, for example well-known beach Pregonda. Anyway, we went back to Cala’n Bosch around 6 o’clock because at 8 we had a reservation in the restaurant On Egin (the same one I went with my parents). After a great dinner we had a drink in Flamingo. The following day I went to visit Cala Morell.

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Cala Morell

If you remember, last year I visited Cala Morell. I didn’t tell you much about it last time though so let me tell you now.

Cala Morell is situated around 10 km from Ciutadella and it’s a really beautiful place. It’s a starting point of the stage 9 ofCamí de Cavallsthat leads to the lighthouse Punta Nati. You can also start there the stage 8 that leads you to Algaiarens unspoilt beaches. In Cala Morell you can visit necropolis, stay on the beach or get to see stunning views from the rocks around.1507499285482


Last year I went to the old necropolis of Cala Morell. There are 14 burial chambers hewn from the bare rock. This cemetery was active from the pre-Talaiotic period up to the second century AD. These caves are architecturally fascinating, having interior columns, windows, aspses, floors of different levels and front yards. Between the caves you can also visit “capades de moro”, oval-shaped cavities cut in the rock which may have been used for rituals and may have contained offerings, funeral urns or torches.

There is a free access to the necropolis and it’s worth visiting. You can also go to the top of necropolis and you’ll get a nice view of Cala Morell. When you get out from the necropolis and you just follow the road, you’ll get down to the beach and you’ll see the “Elephant Rock” that offers breathtaking views. I love that place for taking photos! I could spend there hours!

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Anyway, after taking some photos at the Elephant Rock, I spent some time on the beach. The beach Cala Morell is quite small and probably that’s why there were built some rocky platforms with direct access to the sea. Cala Morell is a sandy beach with some pebbles. When I went to the sea, there were quite many stones so I had to mind my steps. I would recommend to take some shoes.

Cala Morell is a great place for diving thanks to its shallow transparent waters that are peaceful and quiet. Its special shape of a backwards “L” guarantees that it’s protected from southerly and easterly winds. While diving you can see a great variety of species. The most attractive fish there are ornate and Mediterranean rainbow wrasses and painted comber.

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Half day trips

Anyway, each place – Cavalleria and Cala Morell – you can visit by car just in half a day (if you don’t plan to stay half of the day on the beach though). Both places are beautiful and definitely worth visiting. From these places you’ll get a breathtaking views that will stay in your mind. You’ll always remember the shining sun, crystaline water, surrounding nature, little breeze in your hair and all the emotions that came to you when you saw all of this. If you’re in Menorca, don’t miss it.

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