Edessa (Έδεσσα) and Loutra Pozar (Λουτρά Πόζαρ)

I’ve just realized that it’s quite a long time that I haven’t posted anything… Last week my brother and his girlfriend were here and we went for trips. We rent a car and first day we went to Meteora. I’ve already been there with ESN and I wrote an article so no need to repeat it. Anyway, second day we went to Edessa and Loutra Pozar.
Edessa is town with waterfalls. There is one big waterfall, you can walk under it, there is also a cave. It’s very beautiful. There are also two small waterfalls but it’s not possible to see it from downstairs. In Edessa there is also open-air museum and some other things. The nature there around and the view is wonderful!
After Edessa we went to Loutra Pozar/Pozar Baths. There is a river with some small “lakes” with hot water. You can enjoy these thermal baths, just don’t forget your swimming suit!
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